
Audi CES 2014 :: Featuring new HMI and MMI Search

It’s been 3 years of development and with the premiere on CES 2014 we’re allowed to show it to the public:
Our brand new 2014 Audi MMI with completely new look&feel and integrated onboard search engine “Audi MMI Search”!

Audi MMI Radio Search, photo: AUDI AG
Audi MMI Radio Search, photo: AUDI AG

quote from Audi’s press release:

“A special highlight of the new Audi MMI is MMI search. This is a practical function that assists the driver in searching for a term, simplifying the search. MMI search is available in every main menu. The results list is shown right away while the user is inputting – generally just a few characters suffice to come up with the term. In the Radio and Media menus, a character string leads directly to the desired radio station, track, album or performer.

MMI search is especially helpful in navigation. When inputting a navigation destination, MMI search permits free text input without having to use a rigid formula. In most cases, just a few characters are sufficient to find any destination in Europe. It is no longer necessary to input the country. In the results display, the MMI takes the current location of the car into consideration, so that hits for the immediate vicinity are displayed first. When searching for a street near the car’s position, it is generally only necessary to input the first few characters of the street name. When looking for a restaurant in any European city, all the user needs to do is input the first characters of the restaurant name and the first characters of the city name separated by a blank character; then the MMI lists relevant hits with addresses.”

Furthermore we’ve introduced our all-integrated cluster instrument – ready for the launch of the new 2014 TT:

Audi virtual cockpit, integrated MMI cluster instrument in Sport Quattro Concept, photo: AUDI AG
Audi virtual cockpit, integrated MMI cluster instrument in Sport Quattro Concept, photo: AUDI AG
CES 2014, Audi booth
CES 2014, Audi booth
2014 Audi TT interior
2014 Audi TT interior

Tag MPEG-4 meta data

Finally, I found a free, fast and easy tool to tag MPEG-4 files: MetaZ.

It’s pretty easy to use. One little detail to be mentioned though:
You can add chapter marks by pasting them in the following format:

00:00:00.000 Intro
00:00:30.000 Antihelden
00:5:00.000 Die Jungs Aus Dem Reihenhaus
00:15:00.000 Fenster Zum Berg
00:20:00.000 Affentanz
00:22:00.000 Manfred Mustermann
00:36:00.000 Solala
00:40:00.000 Safari
00:50:00.000 Liebe & Hass
00:55:45.000 6 Meter 90
01:00:00.000 Blattgold Auf Anthrazit


downloading Wikipedia

Wikipedia is a high quality resource for information. And it’s free. You can even download its complete content as XML dumps. For example for the German Wikipedia:

wget -c



Weihnachten 2012



Baam & Bua


interesting ports (MacPorts)

  • HandBrake – MPEG tool
  • hexfiend – hex editor
  • macfuse, sshfs – user space file systems
  • textmate2 – text editor
  • wget

unzip all zip files in the current dir to a separate folder

for file in `ls *.zip`; do unzip $file -d `echo $file | cut -d "." -f 1`; done

linux :: add a new hdd

e.g. /dev/sdb

partition disk:

fdisk /dev/sdb
new partition: key n
primary partition: key p
partition 1
default values
write: key w

format disk:
mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sdb1

edit /etc/fstab accordingly


convert between character sets on linux

to convert a file from utf-16 to utf-8 you can use recode (make a copy of the file first!):

recode UTF16..UTF8 myFile.txt

diff two folders on OSX

diff -qr "path/to/first/dir" "/path/to/second/dir" | grep -v -e 'Thumbs' -e 'DS_Store' | sort > diff.txt

openvpn resolv.conf

sudo rm /etc/resolv.conf
sudo ln -s /etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf